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Friday, August 12, 2011

MAIL CALL- Come check out what I got and learn how to get a FREE T-shirt and more+ FREE Shipping!)

Today I received:

1. H-E-Buddy T-Shirt from their reading club, along with 2 pencils, a book mark, and a certificate for Ashtyn.
2. I received my FREE Noise cancelling headphone from 1SaleADay.com
3. From 1SaleADay.com I also received a FREE Misquito patch, and considering I get EATEN up with misquitos I'm excited to try this.
4. Last but certainly not least are my FREE Pocket Tabs from Avery from a giveaway they had previously on their facebook page.

If you would also like to get in on the FREE H-E-Buddy FREEBIES head HERE to read the rules and print your forms- It's SUPER easy!


1 comment:

  1. going to do the book thing for both of my kids. They will enjoy it. And I got my headphones too. The patch doesn't work very well. I have the same problem with mosquitoes
